
Tips on Kids Etiquette with Lana Bawadkji – How to Create a Good First Impression

It’s all about first impressions, and we’re not only talking about adults, but also about kids.

It’s all about first impressions, and we’re not only talking about adults, but also about kids. What highlights your children’s proper manners are many factors. From the way they say hello to the way they interact with others, down to the way they say goodbye, the first impression is formed on so many levels.

At school, same as at other occasions and gatherings they attend with you, the rule is one – nothing changes. Whether they are meeting a new person, a teacher or their friends’ parents, their greeting should always be paired with a true smile, a direct eye contact, a proper posture and a well-groomed look. This is in fact one of the golden rules of acting properly in society, whether at this age or as they grow up into gentlemen and ladies!

Article by Lana Bawadkji