
Wedding Dress Code: The Do’s and Don’ts

Here’s the thing, just like any other themed soirée, weddings have a certain dress code one should never ignore. If you’re a guest at a wedding, then we’re guessing you already know that there are some things you shouldn’t wear- because let’s face it, either they’re insulting to the bride, or just totally lame-o! And who wants the bride to go all bride-zilla on us, right?

But there’s no need to stress and break out in hives over an upcoming wedding reception. If it’s not yours, you certainly shouldn’t enter Panic town.  We want your attire to scream “Wedding Maven” so loud it brings the whole cast of “Wedding Planner” down. But most importantly, we want you to follow the wedding etiquette ever so carefully, without crossing the bride- or the groom while you’re at it. So hear us out and scroll through our Wedding Guest etiquette.

Do keep in mind the season of the wedding, as to narrow your options from long-sleeved gowns to short-sleeved dresses. Whatever you do, match your fabric accordingly with the season.

Don’t ever wear white- or any other creamy hues- to a wedding. You don’t want to be that selfish guest whose sole purpose is to steal the bride’s thunder, do you now? It’s an old-age rule and there’s no way around it.

Do get your dancing shoes with you! It’s not written in stone, but if you’re at a wedding, then there is going to be some dancing involved, so you might as well be physically and mentally prepared for the rest of the night! If you really want to wear sky-high heels, then just slip a pair of ballerinas in your clutch and voila!

Don’t reveal too much flesh, just keep the uncovered area in one zone and one zone only. Exposing yourself will definitely give out the wrong idea and you don’t want to be stealing the show.

Do always remember that it is not your night. While you should always be fashionably sophisticated, don’t steer away the attention from the bride. That’s a big no-no.

Don’t forget to pamper yourself! Fine, it’s not your day, but that doesn’t mean you should be underdressed. Pick out your favorite dress, style your hair in the most wonderful of ways and put on your best makeup. From headpieces, to lavish jewelry, the world is your oyster!

Don’t wear black from head to toe either- for obvious funeral-related reasons that you surely understand.

Do go for prints, colors and heck, let’s repeat it again: PRINTS!

Happy wedding reception ladies!


Cindy Menassa