
6 Habits of Fashion-Forward Women

We all have that one stylish friend whose closet we seriously envy. Whether it’s her annoyingly constant good looking demure, her more-than-perfect outfits or her uncanny ability to turn any piece into a must-have number; she’s really got that magic touch!

But that doesn’t mean that she – or any other stylish maven for that matter – is a supernatural being; it just means that every morning, she takes her utmost time to make sure she’s staggeringly on point (we’re looking at you, Olivia Palermo). And odds are, if you don’t personally know a fashion endorser at heart, you’ve surely run into one during the hectic days of fashion week – you can probably spot her looking totally blazé as she runs around in painful heels. Which begs the question: what are the habits that characterize a stylish woman?

  1. She deals with her daily inconveniences with the utmost grace. She’s not perfect and she knows it, but she knowshow to make you think she is in factperfect. If she rips her shirt mid-day, she ties it in a knot and goes about her day with nonchalance.
  2. She always plans her outfit in advance. There’s no such thing as waking up late and not knowing what to wear; even if it takes her all night, she will know what to wear whenmorning comes.
  3. She gives herself enough time to get ready in the morning. She knows that one doesn’t magically wake up looking fabulous, so she makes sure her morning routine is on point (yes that means no more hitting the snooze button).
  4. She dresses for the weather and the occasion. She knows where she’s going and she knows how hot or cold it’s going to be. That said, she makes sure her outfit is fit for the temperature and she leaves her suede thigh-high boots for the colder season.
  5. She mixes classic pieces with extravagant and daring ones. In other words, she understands that balance is key, and that it’s the little things that make an outfit a gorgeous one. Logo tee and vinyl skirt? Yes please!
  6. Last but not least, she always – and we mean always – has a backup outfit if everything else fails.

If this image of “perfection” doesn’t make you want to adopt these habits, we don’t know what will!


Cindy Menassa